Daniele Cortis
Mechanical Engineer, Researcher, Ph.D.

Current Job

Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS)
Head of Design and Additive Manufacturing Dept.
Design of experimental apparatus for basic-physics research experiments: structural and fluid dynamics analysis of components, experimental tests for the characterisation of material properties.
Research on innovative Additive Manufacturing technologies for standard and new materials (i.e., plastics, metals, composites, etc.).
Member of the “Hub for Additive Manufacturing, Materials Engineering and Research” (HAMMER) of the INFN, https://hammer.sites.lngs.infn.it
Previous Jobs

Roma Department
Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP).
Member of the “CAD Integration” Work Package. Support to the research activities of “Diagnostic” Work Package.

Sapienza University of Rome
Ph.D. in Engineering
Master Degree in Mechanical Eng.
Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Eng.
Main unique identifiers connected to my publications.

Daniele Cortis
2. Scopus Author ID

Daniele Cortis
3. Researcher ID

Daniele Cortis
4. ResearchGate

Daniele Cortis